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Life’s Unlimited Opportunities


  • Lorraine
    Posted March 9, 2023 at 8:03 am

    What a perfect reflection this morning. It’s warm and sunny outside, I’m drinking my first cup of coffee and snuggled up in robe gifted me, pondering my wedding and trip to Spain for my honeymoon. Your reflection of the world and Friends and travel mirrors my own. You’re a pro traveler and I suspect a pro planner. This is a skill I have only recently dove into. So many things to plan. And, so much enjoyment to be had. Isn’t it nice when we can simply enjoy the planning? I love giving myself an opportunity to sit quietly and read your musics which tend to be perfect in the moment and expressive of my own humanity. Much love Lorraine

  • Yelena
    Posted March 9, 2023 at 9:38 pm

    Sometimes your best planning is in the absence of any planning. It’s my case now. And I miss that wonderful feeling of being in the process of PLANNING

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Kate Anders is a medium and a channel. She offers private sessions and workshops to empower and guide clients to their highest potential. She also paints and writes poetry. She is a retired educator who was selected by U.S.A. Today in 2000 as one of the country’s outstanding teachers. Kate lives in the Sierra Foothills with her husband who is a composer and sound engineer.


Portrait photography and photo of oak tree on the homepage by Christine Harris.

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