New book:
"I'm Dying to Tell You"
Imagine a spirit you can see, waking you in the early morning and asking you to deliver a message to someone you know. What goes through your mind as you process this visitation? What’s your next step? How does one brief visitation transform your life forever? Do you want to communicate with someone who has died? Have you ever sensed that a deceased loved one has tried to communicate with you? Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, a student of channeling, or a curious observer, Kate shares messages of love, forgiveness, and guidance channeled from spirit that will empower you on your own journey from life to life.
Grounded in Presence Kate Anders' Reflections is beautifully written and brought me into moments of presence through her appreciation of these simple moments in life. The artwork and poetry she shares throughout the pages create a really beautiful journey for the reader. It reminds me to slow down and appreciate the simple beautiful moments in my life. Shannon Hulley2025-01-07 The book is a delightful joyful read told through the author's wonderful engaging charming stories. The author's writing has depth, wisdom and impressive capacity for transparency that easily draws the reader into her stories. She takes the reader on a journey that is both compelling and profound. It would be hard to ready this book and not feel joyful, heartened and transformed by her beautiful writing and stories. I would recommend this book to everyone. cynthia silverman2024-11-24 Deep and thought-provoking REFLECTIONS is a captivating collection that encourages you to pause and reflect on Kate's insightful views on life, compassion, and happiness, making it a meaningful gift for someone special. Michelle D.2024-11-19 Reflections for anyone's life I love to start my day in the early quiet hours pulling open this inspirational collection of musings. There are messages for almost any situation, issue or dilemma I might have. Also, I have been inspired to carry on with a lighter heart in this world. Thank you, again, Ms. Kate Anders for adding Light to my life! Kathy Dunbar2024-11-03 Inspired and Inspiring Kate, in simple, poetic language, shares profound insights. From Kate I have learned to open my eyes and ears, take in all the world offers, and accept. Then, I must accept that there is so much more to the world that cannot be heard or seen. We are all connected, and with an open heart, that can be felt. Kate, thank you for your wisdom; I will always be grateful for you. Jerry Block2024-10-22 Thoughtful and inspiring It’s great to read in the morning with my husband. We really do apply the reading s to our own life. Andi I2024-10-21 Wise woman As a compassionate teacher, Kate’s story about a finger-drumming kid in her class whose energy she helped focus in a positive way (without shaming him) exemplifies why I liked this book. Her compassion for humanity, especially our foibles and frailties, shines through on every page. Some nice tips on how to live life in a happier way too. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because I prefer a storyline format like her previous book I’m Dying to Tell You. But it’s hard to beat her poem I attached to make one feel better about death. Recommended. Terri in Santa Rosa Valley2024-10-12 A daily dose of love and life. A daily dose of love and life. I pick up the book each day and randomly choose a page to read. Such a rich and full life she has had so far and what a lovely way to take a peek at it. She has such wisdom to share and a wonderful way with words. You will love it! Michelle L Cavallero2024-10-10 A book to savor! I love Kate's point of view. The book is a treasure chest of wisdom! I enjoy opening the book to a different page each night, and so often the words that Kate has written are just what I needed to hear. True nourishment for my soul. Leslee A K Willes2024-09-30 Beautiful! Love Kate and her spiritual, uplifting style of writing. Love you girlfriend always❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Evie Evelyn Gray2024-09-25