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Navigating the Road Ahead


  • Yelena
    Posted September 26, 2023 at 10:11 pm

    You helped again! This fall became more calm and beautiful!

  • Leslee Willes
    Posted September 27, 2023 at 6:57 am

    Thank you for this beautiful reflection and the reminder to stay centered, loving and gentle… and to make soup!

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Kate Anders is a medium and a channel. She offers private sessions and workshops to empower and guide clients to their highest potential. She also paints and writes poetry. She is a retired educator who was selected by U.S.A. Today in 2000 as one of the country’s outstanding teachers. Kate lives in the Sierra Foothills with her husband who is a composer and sound engineer.


Portrait photography and photo of oak tree on the homepage by Christine Harris.

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