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A few months ago, a friend confessed that he loves looking at clouds, their ever-changing images and graceful movement. He was a bit embarrassed mentioning it. I see cloud gazing as a vastly underrated pastime, calming the mind, soothing the heart, and opening the imagination. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to look up at the sky, take in its magnificence, and watch Change in action? Clouds emulate the continual transformation of the Universe.
Flow is what I strive for, imagining myself floating down a river or in the clouds, open to the serendipitous. Safety and security seem to be life’s current precepts instead of joy and discovery. Creativity and convention are opposites. When we reach for a new thought or activity, adrenaline flows, and our minds sharpen. “Change is freedom, change is life… Those who build walls are their own prisoners.” ~Ursula LeGuin
Did you ever consider that your own positive energy and expectations protect you? Or that your beliefs are self-fulfilling? Maybe it’s time to take a break, look up, and be like clouds… and change.
Skies above: Auchinstarry, Scotland • Grass Valley, CA • New Orleans LA
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I am one that changing cloud above you. I move there to be near you because I love you.