I found a tin in the garage that contained my parent’s collection of home movies. Curious, I had them transferred to a DVD. One of the movies was of me learning to walk. I was surprised to see myself, so many years ago. I recognized that little girl that still resides in me, happy, gentle,…
I asked my four-year-old granddaughter what she thought I might need for an upcoming trip we are taking together. She named several things, some of which I had not considered. Allowing children to move into responsibility is empowering for you and for them. Our willingness to see their path allows them to blossom like the…
Last night we went to a jazz club to hear a musician friend. His persona transformed in this venue. I had always seen him as a support player. Here he was, the star, bringing together an amazing group of talented people and owning the stage. It made me wonder, how many other people I know…