I found a tin in the garage that contained my parent’s collection of home movies. Curious, I had them transferred to a DVD. One of the movies was of me learning to walk. I was surprised to see myself, so many years ago. I recognized that little girl that still resides in me, happy, gentle,…
We learn so much when we pay attention to our dreams. This morning I awoke from the following dream.
A wayfaring man came into a small town. He went to a modest home and asked for shelter and a meal in exchange for a story. The woman who answered lived alone and was middle aged. She…
I asked my four-year-old granddaughter what she thought I might need for an upcoming trip we are taking together. She named several things, some of which I had not considered. Allowing children to move into responsibility is empowering for you and for them. Our willingness to see their path allows them to blossom like the…
I had lunch with my sister the other day and, as we often do, we talked about growing up together. I am always surprised that our memories are so different. She’ll say, “Do you remember…” I’ll say, “No, but do you remember…: and she’ll say, “No.” Then we’ll laugh, and together we reconstruct our childhood. …
Last night we went to a jazz club to hear a musician friend. His persona transformed in this venue. I had always seen him as a support player. Here he was, the star, bringing together an amazing group of talented people and owning the stage. It made me wonder, how many other people I know…